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Curriculum Studies, Selected Works

Learning, Curriculum and Life Politics: the selected works of Ivor F. Goodson

Becoming a School Subject


  1. Bernstein, B. (1971) 'On the classification and framing of educational knowledge', in M.F.D.
  2. Young (Ed) Knowledge and Control, London: Collier-Macmillan.
  3. Young, M.F.D. (1971) 'An approach to the study of curricula as socially organised knowledge', in M.F.D. Young (Ed) Education and Control: New Directions for the Sociology of Education, London: Collier Macmillan, p. 31.
  4. ibid, p. 34.
  5. ibid, p. 22.
  6. ibid, p. 36.
  7. Bourdieu, P. (1971) 'System of education and systems of thought, and intellectual field and creative project', in M.F.D. Young (Ed) Knowledge and Control: New Directions for the Sociology of Education, London: Collier Macmillan.
  8. Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J.C. (1977) Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture, London: Sage.
  9. Young, M.F.D. (1977) 'Curriculum change: limits and possibilities', in M.F.D. Young and G. Whitty (Eds) Society, State and Schooling, Lewes: Falmer Press, pp. 248-249.
  10. Apple, M.W. (1978) 'Ideology, reproduction and educational reform', Comparative Education Review, 22, p. 380.
  11. op. cit., Young, p. 23.
  12. Phenix, P.M. (1964) The Realms of Meaning, New York: McGraw-Hill, p. 317.
  13. Jenkins, D. and Shipman, M.P. (1976) Curriculum: An Introduction, Open Books, p. 107.
  14. MacKinder, H.J. (1887) 'On the scope and methods of geography', Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, 9.
  15. Garnett, A. (1969) 'Teaching geography: some reflections', Geography, 54, p. 36.
  16. Bird, C. (1901) 'Limitations and possibilities of geographical teaching in day schools', The Geographical Teacher, 1.
  17. Manifesto of Geographical Association printed on the inside cover of all copies of Geography.
  18. MacKinder, H.J. (1903) Report of the Discussion on Geographical Education, pp. 95-101.
  19. Council of the Geographical Association (1919) 'The position of geography', The Geographical Teacher, 10.
  20. Board of Education (1927) Report of the Consultative Committee: the Education of the Adolescent, Hadlow Report, London: HMSO.
  21. The Norwood Report (1943) Curriculum and Examinations in Secondary Schools, London: HMSO, pp. 101-102.
  22. ibid, p. 87.
  23. Garnett, A. (1969) 'Teaching geography: some reflections', Geography, 54, p. 387.
  24. Walker, D. (1975, November 28th) 'The well-rounded geographers', The Times Educational Supplement, p. 6.
  25. David, T. (1973) 'Against geography', in D. Bale, N. Grave and R. Walford (Eds) Perspectives in Geographical Education, Edinburgh, pp. 12-13.
  26. ibid.
  27. op. cit., Walker, p. 6.
  28. op. cit., Garnett, p. 368.
  29. Honeybone, R.C. (1954) 'Balance in geography and education', Geography, 34, No. 184.
  30. HMSO. (1967) Society and the Young School Leaver, Working Paper No. 11, London, p. 3.
  31. Interview (30.6.76).
  32. Gowing, D. (1973) 'A fresh look at objectives' in R. Watford (Ed) New Directions in Geography Teaching, London: Longmans, p. 153.
  33. Marchant, E.C. (1965) 'Some responsibilities of the teacher of geography', Geography, 3, p. 133.
  34. Wrigley, E.A. (1967) 'Changes in the philosophy of geography', in R. Chorley and P. Haggett (Eds) Frontiers in Geographical Teaching, London: Methuen, p. 13.
  35. Chorley, R. and Haggett, P. (1900) Frontier Movements and the Geographical Tradition, p. 377.
  36. Gilbert, E.W. (1961) 'The idea of the region', Geography, 45, No. 1.
  37. Personal Interview College of Education Lecturer, (5.1.77).
  38. Walford, R. (1973) 'Models, simulations and games', in R. Walford (Ed) op. cit., p. 95.
  39. Chorely, R. and Haggett, P. (1967) Models in Geography, London: Methuen.
  40. Staymaker, O. (1960) 'Review', Geographical Journal, 134, Part 2, September.
  41. PRC (1968) 'Review', Geography, 53, Part 4, November.
  42. op. cit., Garnett, p. 388-389.
  43. ibid, p. 389.
  44. op. cit., Interview, (30.6.76)
  45. ibid.
  46. Cooke, R. and Johnson, J.M. (1969) Trends in Geography, London: Methuen, p. 8.
  47. op. cit., Walford, p. 97.
  48. op. cit., Walker, p. 6.
  49. Interview Geography Professor, (14.12.78).
  50. Wooldridge, S.W. (1956) The Geographer as Scientist, London: Nelson.
  51. Fitzgerald, B.P. (1973) 'Scientific method, quantitative techniques and the teaching of geography', in Walford (Ed), op. cit., p. 85.
  52. Yeates, M.H. (1968) An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis in Economic Geography, New York: McGraw-Hill, p. 1.
  53. Ginsburg, N. (1969) 'Tasks of geography', Geography, 54, pp. 403-404.
  54. Byrne, E.M. (1974) Planning and Educational Inequality, Slough: NFER, p. 29.
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  • Date of publication: 15/09/2005
  • Number of pages (as Word doc): 272
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • Subject:
    Curriculum Studies, Narrative Theory
  • Available in:
  • Appears in:
    Learning, Curriculum and Life Politics: the selected works of Ivor F. Goodson
  • Number of editions: 1
  • Paperback
  • Price of book: £27.99
  • ISBN: 978-0-415-35220-8
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